PSNUS: web people name disambiguation by simple clustering with rich features


We describe about the system description of the PSNUS team for the SemEval-2007 Web People Search Task. The system is based on the clustering of the web pages by using a variety of features extracted and generated from the data provided. This system achieves Fα=0.5 = 0.75 and Fα=0.2 = 0.78 for the final test data set of the task.

Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations
Yee Fan Tan
Doctoral Alumnus (Nov ‘11). Thesis: Cost-Sensitive Web-Based Information Acquisition for Record Matching.

Doctoral Alumnus (Nov ‘11).

Min-Yen Kan
Min-Yen Kan
Associate Professor

WING lead; interests include Digital Libraries, Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing.