UDAPTER - Efficient Domain Adaptation Using Adapters


We propose two methods to make unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) more parameter efficient using adapters – small bottleneck layers interspersed with every layer of the large-scale pre-trained language model (PLM). The first method deconstructs UDA into a two-step process: first by adding a domain adapter to learn domain-invariant information and then by adding a task adapter that uses domain-invariant information to learn task representations in the source domain. The second method jointly learns a supervised classifier while reducing the divergence measure. Compared to strong baselines, our simple methods perform well in natural language inference (MNLI) and the cross-domain sentiment classification task. We even outperform unsupervised domain adaptation methods such as DANN and DSN in sentiment classification, and we are within 0.85% F1 for natural language inference task, by fine-tuning only a fraction of the full model parameters. We release our code at this URL.

Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap
Doctoral Alumnus (‘24)

Doctoral Alumni ()

Min-Yen Kan
Min-Yen Kan
Associate Professor

WING lead; interests include Digital Libraries, Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing.